Our premium-grade Keratin Fibers matches real human hair. This latest development in science allows you to instantly get fuller looking hair. With new scientific developments, the fibers look completely natural and works on the finest to the thickest of hair types.
Our fibers are engineered to ensure that they don't rub off on clothing or your pillow.

Electrostatic Charge
Alfy gives you the immediate appearance of a full head of hair. Our Hair Building Fibers are made from premium-grade Keratin which ensures that everything looks both natural and undetectable.
The electrostatic charge in our Keratin Fibers will bond to any type of hair, from the thinnest to the thickest of hair types.
The advanced science makes our fibers resistant to wind, rain and sweat.
Alfy is changing the lives of men and women struggling with fine or thinning hair.

out of 10 customers say that Alfy looks natural and is undetectable

out of 10 customers say that Alfy is easy-to-use

out of 10 customers say that Alfy makes them look younger and more attractive

Limited Time Offer
Order and get an Extra Large Hair Building Fiber bottle
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